Beauty of the body and excellent health are the two main reasons why a girl goes to the gym. However, all the physical characteristics are different, and to achieve the perfect result, one needs to lose weight, and the other just tenses the muscles, making them more noticeable.
There are training programs for each individual situation. And it is important to follow them from the first hours in the gym.
Following the coach’s recommendations will not only lead to good visual changes in the body and excellent health. Adherence to a certain regime in the gym for girls will minimize the risk:
- to cut oneself;
- lose a fuse and stop going to the gym;
- Do the exercises to no avail.

The coach selects the training program and individually approaches the problem of each girl. It controls the effect of this exercise on the body and makes changes over time.
Slimming workouts for girls
Almost every girl dreams of losing weight. Even with satisfactory body parameters, she always finds places that she would like to lose weight / reduce. Thus, weight loss programs for girls can be divided into two types of workouts in the gym:
- To lose weight. Exercises are designed to work all muscle groups.
- To decrease the volume in a certain area. The training program is selected depending on the body area.
Beginners find it difficult to remember the sequence of exercises, their duration and number of repetitions. Therefore it is necessary to write down all recommendations of the trainer and to follow the training program approved by it.
Exercise for general weight loss
Before you start training a novice girl, it is important to objectively assess the level of excess weight and honestly admit to the coach the existing diseases and old injuries. The more accurate the information, the more accurate the training program in the gym will be.
If there are no injuries and chronic illnesses, exercises for beginners are standard. They are divided into two groups, the first of which trains the cardiovascular system, and the second – burns fat.
You need to work out in the gym three times a week. Between workouts you need to do 1 day off.

Weight loss program for beginners for girls with poor physiology:
- Warm-up (cardio training). Running on a track or bike. If there is a swimming pool in the sports facility, swimming is also suitable. Duration 10 minutes with heart rate monitoring – should not exceed 120 beats per minute.
- squats. The exercise is performed 8-10 times in three series.
- Push-ups. This exercise is always difficult for beginners. Therefore trainings can be spent not from a floor, and from a bench. The program includes 8-10 push-ups from two sets.
- Jump. Made on a bench or in a box. The exercise is performed 8-10 times in ten series.
- walks. Do 10 reps 5-10 times for each leg.
It takes a month to perform such exercises in the gym, so the training program is designed for 12 sessions. This is done to get the body used to the loads. Muscle memory should be expressed in how to properly hold the body, arms and legs throughout the exercise program.
Then comes the load change. You can add dumbbells to workout any muscle group. Or the simulator allows you to use simulators. It depends on the state of the girl.
Program for weight loss for girls with average training:
- heart training. Training duration from 10 to 20 minutes, taking into account the heart rate – it should not exceed 120 beats.
- Loops hanging on the legs. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.
- Push-ups off the bench or off the floor. The exercise is performed 10-15 times with three repetitions.
- work at the intersection. Many girls favorite workout because. tightens the chest muscles. Hands should be joined 15 times in three approaches.
- Bend your arms with a weight lifter. Optimal – 30 times with three repetitions.
After completing such training in the gym, the girl can move on to more serious loads. As in the previous case, the program lasts 1 month. On the second, you can add exercises and change the weight of the dumbbells.

It should be noted that the quick result will come only if proper nutrition is maintained in combination with physical education. The main rule – limit the amount of carbohydrates: baked goods, pasta, potatoes, sweets. And definitely do not eat 1-2 hours after training.
Train to reduce the volume of any area
The female character consists of 5 types: pear, apple, inverted triangle, rectangle and hourglass. Every definition speaks of the widest part of the body. This can be due to the bone structure and fat deposits in certain places. In the second case, problem-oriented exercises are developed for girls. This does not mean that the entire training program only covers 1-3 muscle groups. Only for problem areas there is more.
For example, a girl with a pear-shaped body should include upper and lower body exercises. However, if you need to reduce volume below the waist, increase it above the waist. This is the only way to balance the figure and make it more attractive. As a result, a program for girls is being developed, during which exercises for the press, buttocks and legs should be performed more than three times. Weight exercises are performed on the muscles above the waist to increase muscle volume. According to this principle, a training program is created for each overstrained area.
Workouts for girls to relieve the body
For girls who want to tone their muscles, workout programs are designed almost for those who want to lose weight. The only difference is that in most cases they have to turn up the volume in some area. Therefore, exercises should make these spots difficult.

Muscle building programs
It’s easier to tense your muscles at the gym because. has many machines to gradually increase the load. The training program includes almost the same exercises as for losing weight, but with heavier weights.
Another difference is the rotation of exercises throughout the day. Training in the gym is divided into two complexes, the first (hereinafter A) is carried out on Mondays, the second (hereinafter B) – on Wednesdays, then on Fridays “A” and on Mondays “B”. And that for 1 month. Second, the training program becomes more complex: more weight is added and more complex exercises.
Program for strengthening the muscles of a beginner girl (complex “A”):
- heart training.
- To rush. The hanging leg goes up on the stick. Depending on the number, 4 approaches are performed until the muscles are damaged.
- Squats with the knees apart (bent) and with dumbbells in the hands. Recommended 20 times three repetitions.
- Press the foot on the simulator. For 12-15 times 3 sets.
- Work with blocks hanging vertically. Traction is performed on the chest, and with the introduction of the hands behind the back – on the shoulder blades. Do 2 repetitions up to 15 times.
Program for strengthening the muscles of a beginner girl (“B” complex):
- Warm up.
- Bench press in the supine position. It can be hampered by a sloping bench. Training is repeated 3 sets and performed 8 times.
- Mahi arms with dumbbells on the sides. The weight is chosen by the trainer. It is necessary to do 3 sets of 8-10 times.
- Another bar, but already in place and behind the head. The exercise is performed 8-12 times in three sets.
- Rotate horizontally. Preferably on a bench. 3 approaches are made, each for muscle failure.

When choosing a set of exercises for yourself, remember that each workout will bring results only with a positive attitude. And this is only with regular visits to the room.