If recently you have been increasingly concerned about how to lose weight with eating right, as well as the principles of eating right for losing weight, then it’s time to think about the topic. ER advocates know that eating right is ideal for losing weight. If you stick to the established regime once and for all, you can lose up to 5 kg per person in a month! In addition, the same thing will happen – no restrictions, monotony in the diet, indefatigable appetite and a desire to give up everything. For example, many people can lose weight with a calorific value of 1400-1500 kcal (and that’s a lot – you can cook a lot of delicious things there).

Briefly about the basic principles of ER
- What is the ER itself based on? There are only 3 main rules:
- dietary variety;
- control of caloric content and the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- compliance with the regime.
Of course, the daily menu should include a wide range of products – this is how the body receives important substances. And when we get everything we need, our body doesn’t send signals to the brain to “eat sweets” or “how to live without chocolate?” The easiest way is to think about your diet in advance, make a list of products for proper nutrition and have supplies for at least a week. But even with a proper diet, you can gain weight if you exceed your caloric intake or misjudge your protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratios. Here it is clear why all PP weight loss principles should start with calorie checkpoints.
Immediately remember: the daily calorie content cannot be less than 1200: this is dangerous for health and weight loss. In short, the ER mode looks like this: small portions 5-6 times a day, the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. Don’t forget to drink clean water! This eliminates the feeling of hunger, which means that the body does not go into “rainy day stock” mode. More importantly, it speeds up the metabolism and increases our energy and caloric needs.
Principles of eating right for weight loss
We drink a lot of water every day. If you don’t have kidney and urinary tract problems, you need to drink at least 1.7 liters. Accelerates all metabolic processes, eliminates various degradation products. Modern man sometimes confuses hunger with thirst.
If less than 2 hours have passed since your last meal and you want to eat again, drink a glass of water – that’s probably how the body wants to drink, not eat. If you’re not used to drinking clean water, make sure you increase it – it’s 50% weight loss success! Special reminder programs on your smartphone, bottles of clean water in your pocket, backpack, on your desk – just a week or two, and you won’t even notice how they intervened.
We keep the balance. And proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be part of the diet. Focus on low-fat foods, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Gradually reduce the volume of the stomach. Even if you only eat coleslaw, but in bowls, and drink low-fat yogurt, or even the most useful liters of homemade yogurt, you can forget about losing weight. The volume of the food should not exceed 400 ml. Take a 220ml glass and a small plate. This method is also suitable – only eat a teaspoon at a time. At first you need to show willpower, but it will take 3 days – then the stomach will get used to these portions.

We buy produce and create our own menus. This way you know exactly what you are eating.
We don’t go to the store hungry. Everyone knows this banal rule, but it is often forgotten, especially when you go to the supermarket after work – there is a very high risk of earning a surcharge. If this cannot be ruled out, consider the list of approved products! Write it down on your cell phone or bring it with you on paper. And never buy anything that isn’t on this list.
Bake, bake, bake. Any recipe can be adapted to PP – I realized that a long time ago. And even where frying doesn’t seem possible, you can perfectly follow the principles of point 1: buy a good non-stick pan or bake under the grill. The taste is not worse, but the effect is what we need.
We don’t expect quick results. Tomorrow many will lose weight in pp. This is often a rookie mistake, especially for those who used to love to diet. Good nutrition isn’t a diet, it’s a way of life where weight loss is a secondary goal, more of a side effect. The main thing is a fulfilled, energetic and healthy life. The ideal weight loss rate is 0.5 kg per week! These numbers give reassurance that the fat is disappearing and gone forever.
We enjoyed eating! Don’t get distracted while eating, don’t chew on the go – plan your meal so you can enjoy every bite!
Do not forget about sports – even the slightest exercise in combination with good nutrition gives excellent results: increasing energy levels, accelerating metabolism, muscles, if not growing, will certainly tighten, even mood will improve – in the end everyone likes to see the body change, become stronger and smarter! It is not necessary to immediately throw yourself in a rocking chair (although I like this approach and it is desirable to buy a subscription for six months))) – you can dance, download exercises from the Internet and just get used to walking .
How to make a menu for weight loss on the principles of ER
Creating a menu is difficult even for experienced people, so a little later I’ll be sure to share detailed examples of menus per day, per week (updated! Here are 1200 kcal, and here – 1500), and while I give general recommendations for each snack:
- Breakfast should consist of protein and complex carbohydrates. Examples: porridge with water or milk with water (1: 1) with the addition of red fruit and cream cheese; Whole grain pasta with grated cheese (choose less fatty); Vegetable omelette. Such a popular pancake with oatmeal – the perfect option. tea, natural coffee without sugar – you can also;
- Snack (not earlier than 2 hours) – a little complex carbohydrates, fats. For example: apples, a handful of walnuts;
- During lunch you can and should eat protein, fats and carbohydrates. First of all, control the portion sizes;
- The next snack is better to make protein – cottage cheese with berries, a cocktail of yogurt, cinnamon and even a small slice of banana; coffee or tea with cottage cheese dessert;
- Plan your dinner so that it consists mainly of protein foods. The ideal option is a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil and a piece of boiled or baked sea fish.

It’s easier to think through menus in advance, shop and prepare to plan.
Benefits of proper diet for weight loss
If you follow all the recommendations described above, in a few weeks there will be not only the results in the form of a slimmer waist and a more energetic state, but also the additional benefits of the chosen method of losing weight:
- not hungry, because we eat a lot, often, and most importantly – tasty;
- you don’t have to give up sweets – there are hundreds of wonderful low-calorie dessert recipes that we have on the site. However, almost all of your favorite dishes can be prepared more sensibly;
- with this weight loss not only the figure will be reduced and cellulite will disappear – hair, skin and nails will improve, you will even look younger;
- there are real savings in the budget, because the right weight loss diet, the principles of which we consider, are simple and affordable products.

How much can you lose weight in a month on ER
And now let’s move on to the most important – what results can be expected from the principles of eating right for weight loss. I wrote above that the ideal result is less than half a kilo a week, 2-3 kg a month. Therefore, if somewhere you are told how to lose weight by 10 kg with proper nutrition, this is either pure quackery, or you have misunderstood something, and this is a much longer period than a month.
Understand again: it’s impossible to lose weight quickly on pp! But qualitatively (just to lose fat) and forever – it’s quite real. In the first 1-2 months, weight loss can be as much as 5-6 kg faster – and the water remains too. Also, the scale you will not like, but the soft inch tape will confirm that you are on the right track!